Like you, I have a passion for the quirky little craft called rock painting.  So I created Rock Rembrandt to share my passion and ideas with you. Come inside and make yourself at home. I’ll be updating content weekly, so come back often. 

Rock Rembrandt Homepage

Hi! I’m Corie and welcome to Rock Rembrandt. I believe that there is an artist in everyone. You don’t have to be a master painter to be a Rock Rembrandt. You just need some simple supplies and encouragement. After all, we are not just creating some pretty rocks, we are creating memories.

Royal Tan River Pebbles for Rock Painting at Home Depot
Royal Tan River Pebbles for Rock Painting at Home Depot

8 Paint Pens for Rock Painting – What I Use

If you do a search on Amazon for paint pens for rock painting the results can be daunting - so many choices. If you're like me, preferences can be very personal and subjective but it's always good to have a starting perspective. In this post, I'm going to share my...

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Saran Wrap Rock Painting – A Kids Favorite!

Saran Wrap Rock Painting – A Kids Favorite!

A fun and easy favorite for my kids - Saran Wrap Rock Painting (a.k.a. Squish Rock Painting)Fun Crafts   Fall is a great time of year to craft. In Oklahoma, Fall brings lots of wind and cooler temperatures. There are many days that we would not spend a lot of...

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