Like you, I have a passion for the quirky little craft called rock painting. So I created Rock Rembrandt to share my passion and ideas with you. Come inside and make yourself at home. I’ll be updating content weekly, so come back often.

Hi! I’m Corie and welcome to Rock Rembrandt. I believe that there is an artist in everyone. You don’t have to be a master painter to be a Rock Rembrandt. You just need some simple supplies and encouragement. After all, we are not just creating some pretty rocks, we are creating memories.

Paint Spider-Man on a rock
Here's how I use my Spidy-Skills to create a Superhero Themed, Spider-Man rockThe other day, I was going through my unpainted rocks searching for something for a project. I came across this one. It struck me how nice it was shaped and the flatness that it has. I...

How to Use a Stamp on a Rock – Unicorn
Here's how I use a stamp on a Rock to create a beautiful UnicornI like to do many different types of crafts. I consider rock painting to be really fun and a great way to spend time with my family. Another type of crafting that I love is paper crafting. The other day,...

How to Paint a Bee on a Rock – 2 easy ways
Here are a couple of easy to follow techniques on how to paint a bee on a rockIt has been a little overcast and rainy this past week. Where I live, we normally get a lot of rain in April and into May, but the April rain held off and now May is just downright soggy....

An Introduction to The Kindness Rocks Project
Kindness Rocks Project HistoryIf you've been walking along a nature trail or wading through the surf at the beach and randomly found a beautifully painted rock, you already have an idea of what the Kindness Rocks Project is. The project was created by Megan Murphy,...

How to paint a ladybug on a rock
How to paint a ladybug on a rockHow to paint a ladybug on a rock is a great starter project for rock painting. You do not need to do a lot of drawing and it requires little artistic skill. One of the great things about choosing to paint a ladybug is you can paint...